The timely and safe delivery of students to and from school is a big responsibility that requires the teamwork of many people. Bus drivers, mechanics, operations specialists and the transportation director act as a team to accomplish safe transportation every day.
Buses are inspected routinely to ensure all mechanical and safety systems operate properly. In addition, regular preventive maintenance keeps the fleet in top condition.
Bus drivers hold commercial driver licenses and are subject to background checks.
The transportation department is located at 2310 Redmond Road in Jacksonville.
If you have changed your address and/or other contact information, please provide the new information to your school's attendance clerk to update the student information system. Your child's transportation eligibility and services are derived from the information obtained from his/her record. Please assist us in ensuring our records are kept up to date.
To speak to a transportation representative call 501.241.2163.
To access your students' bus information Use InfoFinderI
Request Field Trips for your School or Class: Use InfoFinderLE (This request must be made using a district computer)

If you have any issues with your Here Comes the Bus account,CLICK HERE for assistance.