Contact: Barry Hickingbotham
Email: bhickingbotham@jnpsd.org
Phone: 501-982-2128
Click HERE to download and print the athletic facility use agreement.
The use of athletic facilities will follow the general guidelines as outlined in Jacksonville North Pulaski Theater Facility Use Agreement. The following additional statements also apply to all athletic facility rentals:
1. Admission charges or collections are prohibited unless permission is specifically granted when the permit to use the building is issued.
2. Advertising and all sale of merchandise must be submitted and approved by the principal prior to the event.
3. Intoxicants, tobacco products, and weapons are prohibited in all areas of school campus.
4. Renter assumes responsibility for use of facilities and observance of regulations. Custodians and other school representatives on duty are required to report all irregularities.
5. Renter shall assume financial responsibility for any damage to facilities.
6. Renters shall not make any alterations to any of the facilities or property belonging to the school district.
7. JNPSD or representatives assume no liability for loss by any cause, including but not limited to theft or damage, to any equipment, furnishings, or other personal property belonging to the renters/sponsors/participants or attendees.
8. The entrance and exit must be supervised during the length of activity of the rental.
9. If required by the building principal, the renter will be responsible for licensed security to be in attendance during the length of the rental period. Licensed security must be approved by the principal.
10. Use only the space designated in this agreement. Accessing unapproved areas may result in additional costs to the renter. The renter is responsible for participants, and attending persons to ONLY access the approved area(s).
11. No doctrine or theory will be advanced which is subversive to the constitution or laws of the State of Arkansas or the United States.
12. No entertainment or activities will be permitted which might be detrimental or destructive to school facilities.